Hector Garcia CPA

Theyareperfectforriversandstagnantwaters,especiallyforpikefishing.Theyareaveryeffectivelureforcatchingpredatorsnearsunkentrees,bridge ...,GloogHector40Nisanidealfishinglureideandchubinrivers,shallowtransfersandrockyarmbandswherethelureperch.Float...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Gloog Hektor 60 11g Sinking K

They are perfect for rivers and stagnant waters, especially for pike fishing. They are a very effective lure for catching predators near sunken trees, bridge ...

Gloog Hektor 40N 4,5g Sinking K

Gloog Hector 40N is an ideal fishing lure ide and chub in rivers, shallow transfers and rocky armbands where the lure perch. Floating using the method side ...

Hektor Gloog Woblery Wędkarstwo Spinningowe

Gloog Hektor 35N K:BT. Producent: Gloog. Cena: 22,50 zł. - +. szt. Do koszyka. Gloog Hektor 35N K:PY. Producent: Gloog. Cena: 22,50 zł.

Wobbler Gloog Hektor 35 N floating TB

Hektor 35 N- Perfect for ideally fishing for ide and chub in rivers, on shallow overflows and rocky streambanks where they attract fish. Also attracts perch.

Gloog Hektor 40SRF 4cm 3.5g Shallow runner Lure Pike Chub Ide ...

供應中 Made in Poland. The first batch of wobblers reached our anglers friends, who tried them out in different water basins. Gloog Hektor 40SRF. Hektor 40 SR is ...

Gloog Hektor 60NS 6cm 11g Sinking Deep Runner Lure Crankbait ...

供應中 Gloog Hektor 60NS. Hektor 60NS. Fish : Trout, Salmon, Catfish, Sea trout. Has a fast, aggressive and vertical action with a perceptible amplitude of vibrations ...

Gloog Hektor SR lures - Lures crankbaits - FISHING

Hektor 40 SR is an effective lure by Gloog for chub, ide, perch, pike and asp. Designed to catch in rivers, shallow bays of lakes and ponds, ...

Gloog Hektor hard bait

Has a fast, aggressive and vertical action with a perceptible amplitude of vibrations at the end of the fishing rod. It has expressive side twinkling and ...

Gloog Hektor lures - Lures crankbaits

Has a fast, aggressive and vertical action with a perceptible amplitude of vibrations at the end of the fishing rod. It has expressive side twinkling and ...


Theyareperfectforriversandstagnantwaters,especiallyforpikefishing.Theyareaveryeffectivelureforcatchingpredatorsnearsunkentrees,bridge ...,GloogHector40Nisanidealfishinglureideandchubinrivers,shallowtransfersandrockyarmbandswherethelureperch.Floatingusingthemethodside ...,GloogHektor35NK:BT.Producent:Gloog.Cena:22,50zł.-+.szt.Dokoszyka.GloogHektor35NK:PY.Producent:Gloog.Cena:22,50zł.,Hektor35N-...